The Benefits of Drones in Real Estate Marketing
As a real estate professional, using drones to enhance your marketing enables you to:
Directly impact the selling price.
One of the biggest benefits drones bring to real estate marketing is the ability to create high quality photos. One study found that listings with the sharpest photos sell at or above the list price 44 percent of the time. The study also found that homes listed between $200,000 to $1 million sell for $3,400 to $11,200 higher than their list prices when professional photographs are used.
Stand out from the competition.
Most real estate websites allow you to upload several photos of a property, but only one image is displayed when buyers are browsing search results. Selecting a compelling aerial photograph from a drone as the featured image can be a great way to stand out from other listings, increase share-ability, and lead to faster sales.
Generate new business opportunities.
One of the biggest benefits of utilizing drone technology is that you demonstrate to potential customers that you’re willing to go the extra mile. Impressive drone videos and photographs will drive more customers to your websites, listings, and social media, and increase opportunities for generating new business.